GrowingGreat Docent, Jennifer Conlon

GrowingGreat Docent, Jennifer Conlon

“There’s definitely magic in eating food that you grew and picked yourself.  I think all the kids feel it.” -Jennifer Conlon SHE VOLUNTEERS AT: Linwood E. Howe Elementary in Culver City JENNIFER HAS BEEN VOLUNTEERING FOR: 1.5 Years SHE IS BEING RECOGNIZED FOR: Her Outstanding...

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Are you a parent?

Are you a parent?

If you are, then you understand that parents will do anything to make sure that their children have happy, healthy futures. And you must also know that when many parents join forces, they can transform whole communities in the name of their children. Seventeen years after three mothers founded...

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Tell me a story

Tell me a story

Last week, I wrote about how this blog is changing directions.  From now on, you can expect to read about two topics: Stories about you – individual volunteers, donors and community partners from the GrowingGreat community Innovative activities and ideas that you, individual volunteers, donors...

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Where this blog is going

Where this blog is going

Have you checked out our Facebook or Twitter pages lately? If you have, you might have noticed that there’s new energy bubbling in the GrowingGreat community. Laura Kainsinger, MPH, our Director of Community Outreach, has been merrily posting about pumpkins in La Ballona’s garden, our...

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GrowingGreat Needs Your Vote

GrowingGreat Needs Your Vote

Not for your favorite color apple as pictured here, but for the Best of Manhattan Award.We are delighted to announce that GrowingGreat has been nominated in the Enhancing Manhattan Beach category for “tremendous value and benefit brought to the community by a non-profit organization.”...

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Thank You from GrowingGreat

Thank You from GrowingGreat

As GrowingGreat finishes up our fiscal year, it is hard to find the words to thank you, our supporters, for all that you have made possible. There are six new programs this year – six! – that were just dreams for us last year at this time. GrowingGreat has now greatly expanded our program...

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