Online Curriculum SIGN UP Tutorial
This video will walk you through the process of how to sign up for GrowingGreat’s online training curriculum. Here are a couple of things to keep in mind:
1. Go to the SIGN UP page, and you will be presented with three options. Nutrition Program, Garden Program or All Program.
2. To sign up someone under Nutrition, click on SIGN UP under Nutrition.
3. Then you will need to fill out the fields on this page. I would recommend the following:
– Choose a Username:
As volunteer docents we ask that you use your First and Last name as their user name. (Jill Coons, Peggy Curry) This keeps the system clean, simple and allows the GrowingGreat staff to track all usage.
– Email Address:
– Password: It’s highly recommended that people use at least one capital letter, a number and a symbol such as !%( or @. A good example is NuTrItIoN!1234
5. They will then be taken to a Subscription Page. They will need to input the Nutrition Coupon Code: 2013NUTRITION, hit APPLY COUPON. It will then say you will pay: Free for 7 months. then hit SUBSCRIBE.
6. Then a thanks for signing up page will appear with any specific instructions we’d like people to see.
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