Join Me in Adopting A School

A letter from Maria Marrill, GrowingGreat Board President
I am proud of GrowingGreat’s commitment to continue expanding to reach more children and families in underserved areas of Los Angeles. We are able to offer our School Garden and Nutrition programs regardless of ability to pay only through the generosity of our GrowingGreat donors who sponsor enrollment costs.

There is such a demand for GrowingGreat programs right now that we have created a waiting list.  In November alone, we had 11 schools in Los Angeles and Las Vegas who are ready to become GrowingGreat schools, but their PTAs simply cannot afford the $1,000 fee.

As you consider your year-end giving, I hope you’ll adopt one of these schools, or suggest a school of your own that you would like to adopt. If a school is funded by December 31, 2014, we will be able to include them in our 2015 program. Your donation is fully tax-deductible. Please click here to donate or email for more information about our Adopt-A-School Program.

Thank you!

Two Children Working On Allotment Together

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