Healthy Eating Month Interview with Sylvie Gabriele

We are pleased to present our Healthy Eating Month Interview with Sylvie Gabriele, Owner of Farm Stand Eatery in El Segundo.

GG: What does Healthy Eating mean to you?

Sylvie: To me, healthy eating is a lifestyle made from a personal commitment to oneself to care about what he or she eats and from acceptance that health consciousness is an evolving process of learning what is healthy and unhealthy for the body to promote a healthy life and longevity.   Healthy eating has become synonymous with eating non-GMO, organic, unprocessed and nutritionally balanced foods.   Healthy eating has also become synonymous with eating more frequently in smaller portions.

GG: Why do you think it is important for children to learn about healthy eating?

Sylvie: I think it is important for children to learn that healthy eating is a lifestyle for a lifetime that evolves with awareness of what is considered health for the body because children are the future.  The more children are exposed to ongoing education about what is healthy and unhealthy for the body, the more they are urged to make a personal commitment to healthy eating and their own longevity. The more awareness and consciousness raised about healthy eating, the more children can make a commitment to healthy choices and break any unhealthy habits that may have been learned. Introducing children to healthy eating breaks the cycle of learned unhealthy habits and can end up helping adults to make healthier choices.

GG: What can we do to urge children to choose healthy options?

Sylvie: I think Growing Great is doing an amazing job at educating children in healthy eating. Learning how to grow your own edible garden shows healthy eating.  I wish that children were more exposed to the science (biochemistry, biology etc) behind healthy eating.  I think this would have a great impact on helping children to understand and wire in why healthy eating is so important.


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