Parents Too
GrowingGreat’s pioneering work with teachers nationwide does not exclude a child’s first true teachers: his or her parents. By providing parents with an understanding of nutrition, access to fresh, nutrient-dense whole foods and a fun, positive way to reinforce their child’s learning, GrowingGreat equips them with the tools they need to build healthy families. We introduce nutritious recipes, healthy eating habits and hands-on STEM activities they can do at home. We empower these dedicated caregivers, regardless of income or English language level, to take the lead in their children’s health and education. In just one example, our 2018 Family Harvest Festival at Keck Early Learning Center, held in a tiny, fenced-in play space in downtown Los Angeles, brought together 128 preschoolers, 64 parents and 16 teachers (not to mention, dozens of fruits and vegetables). In addition, over 200 parents throughout Los Angeles learn to teach GrowinGreat’s curriculum themselves in their children’s classrooms.